Volunteer with 1twenty7 Project!

We are always looking for people to use their unique gifts and talents to serve with 1twenty7 Project. We have many ways to get involved, check out the positions below:

This person will facilitate a session at a partnering organization, handling the logistics of the program including: leading team of volunteers, doing upfront scriptural motivation talk (5 minutes, an outline will be provided for you), creating the environment and communicating alongside the staff of host organization. This person will be required to go through a season of training which will include help building a team, specialized training in “How to work with Youth and Victims,” and development of skills required for the position.

Level 1 CrossFit Trainer or NASM Certified. This person will facilitate an hour long session including warmup, technique, points of performance, workout and post workout. This person will be focused on creating a safe environment where each athlete can learn the movements. They will clearly communicate safe and effective form, points of performance and lead the assistant coaches in providing the best experience for all our athletes.

Level 1 CrossFit Trainer or NASM Certified. This person will assist the Head Coach in running the class smoothly, providing additional cues for athletes.

This person loves fitness and wants to workout right next to our other athletes. They will not be responsible for providing cues to athletes, just encouragement and fist bumps!

1twenty7 Project is a faith-based 501c3 ministry. We welcome any person who would like to join us to serve, regardless of faith background. However, we do require any person in the LEAD Position to sign the “Statement of Faith Agreement”, because of the scriptural teaching they will be doing in a Session. We do require all volunteers to sign the “Unity Agreement” out of respect for the host organizations that we work with. This agreement states that each volunteer will speak and conduct themselves in a manner that is honoring to the organization’s rules when working with youth and women. They will direct any questions having to do with the scriptural motivation talk or those of personal nature, aside from fitness related, to the Lead or Staff of host organization.